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Book Bound From Native American Skin Controversy

The Book Bound From Native American Skin digital collection is a representation of the Native American Skin series that is part of the Iliff Controversies archival collection. The collection is comprised of newspaper articles, correspondence, and administrative papers ranging from 1893 - 1996. Digitization and metadata completed by Erin McElroy.


Letter to Iliff Librarian from Alice Jorg
A letter to a librarian at Iliff from Alice Jorg, member of the Virginia Historical Society, asking about the background information on "The History of Christianity" binding provenance.
Letter to Jerry Campbell from Chief Ed Eagle, April 14th 1977
A letter responding to Jerry Campbell's answer to Chief Ed Eagle's original request of information regarding the book bound from a Native American's skin.
Letter to Michael Hickcox from Dr. Donald Messer, June 19th 1996
A letter responding to Michael Hickcox from Dr. Donald Messer.
Letter to Mrs. Frances Yates Bahl from Jameson Jones, July 1st 1974
A letter to Mrs. Frances Yates Bahl, descendant of Revered Resin M. Barns and Dr. William Barns, informing her of the events of the repatriation of the "The History of Christianity" binding.
Letter to the Iliff School of Theology from E.E. Meredith, February 24th
A letter to the Iliff School of Theology from E.E. Meredith, Vice President of the Marion County Historical Society, discussing the history of the book bound from a Native American's skin.
Letter to the Iliff School of Theology from Haze Morgan, February 4th 1942
A letter to the Iliff School of Theology from the great-great-great-grandson of David Morgan, Haze Morgan. The letter aims to correct a previous statement about the story behind the book bound from a Native American's skin and asks for a quotation of the inscription inside.
Letter to the Iliff School of Theology from Michael Hickcox, May 28th 1996
A letter to the Iliff School of Theology explaining the events during the repatriation of the binding of a book bound from the skin of a Native American in 1974 from Michael Hickcox on May 28th, 1996.
Memo Listing Morgan's Descendants
A brief memo listing descendants of General Morgan and their activity at Iliff.
Signed Statement Between Jameson Jones and Vincent Harvier
A signed statement between Jameson Jones and Vincent Harvier regarding the repatriation of "The History of Christianity" book binding made from the skin of the Native American.


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