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Fundamentalist/Liberal Controversies 1905-1925

This collection contains items documenting the Iliff School of Theology's involvement with controversies between fundamentalist and liberal Christians at the beginning of the 20th century.


Jos. C. Shattuck to Peter Winne
Correspondence from Jos. C. Chattuck to Peter Winne; June 17,1912
Joseph W. Van Cleve to James A. Beebe
Correspondence from Joseph W. Van Cleve to James A. Beebe; May 6, 1919
Matt Hermann to James A. Beebe
Correspondence from Matt Hermann to James A. Beebe; June 9, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Croop to James A. Beebe
Correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Croop to James A. Beebe; January 20, 1919
Peter Winne to Jos. C. Shattuck and Henry A. Buchtel
Correspondence from Peter Winne to Jos. C. Shattuck and Henry A. Buchtel; May 29, 1912
Report of Committee to investigate the Teachings of the D.U. and the I. S. of T.
A report containing the findings of the Presbytery of Denver on the teachings of the University of Denver and the Iliff School of Theology
William E. Bell to James A. Beebe
Correspondence from William E. Bell to James A. Beebe; January 22, 1919


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