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Washington Park United Methodist Church History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the Washington Park United Methodist Church History Collection. It presents several items of church history from 1922 to 2002. Formerly known as the Washington Park Community Church, the church has a history of holding interfaith services with Jewish community members. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.


Black and White Photograph of Snow-Covered Church Exterior on a Postcard
Postcard with photograph of the church covered in snow
Church Programs and Activities Pamphlet, 1950s
Green pamphlet describing the activities of the church, programs, worship times, and the importance of church education for a child's upbringing
Church School Expansion Program, 1948
Booklet prepared to demonstrated the need to expand the church school with photographs of the church as it was in 1893, 1919, and in 1948 when written; a budget and proposed expansion sketch is presented
Colorado Conference Historical Society Information Sheet, 1941
Double-sided form with hand-written information filling in the blanks on a Colorado Conference Historical Society request for information concerning years active, founding members, and current pastor
Community News Bulletin, 1922
"The Communicator" was published weekly by the Publicity Committee of the Washington Park Community Church and contained church and community news as well as local advertisements; this is the March 18, 1922 issue
Consecration of Church School Building Service Bulletin, 1951
Service bulletin from the day the consecration service was held for the new church school on April 15, 1951
Denver Post Article on the Lort Sisters, 1965
Denver Post article with photographs of the three Lort sisters: Lydia Lort, Elizabeth Lort, and Martha Lort and some history about their "159 years of accumulated service" in the church and as Sunday School teachers
Easter Sunday Service Bulletin, 1935
Easter Service Bulletin from April 21, 1935
Fiftieth Anniversary History, 1943
Booklet prepared for 50th Anniversary Celebration containing the history of the church, a list of ministers who served between 1893 and 1943, and a list of founding members
Forty-Fifth Anniversary Service Bulletin and Preaching Program, 1938
Photographs and history of the church from 1893-1938


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