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First United Methodist Church of Eads, Colorado History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the First United Methodist Church of Eads, Colorado History Collection. It presents several items of church history from about 1900 to 1984. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.


"Eads UMC Celebrates Bicentennial Heritage," 1984
Newspaper clipping from an article describing the bicentennial celebration of the church on October 7, 1984
"Historical Sketch of the Arlington Evangelical United Brethren Church," 1915-1967
A detailed history of the Arlington E.U.B. Church (which was later absorbed into the Eads Church) from 1915 to 1967 including a list of ministers, building information, and final concluding service and dissolution in 1967
"The Methodist Church Down Through The Years in Colorado and in Eads: 1859-1959"
A history prepared by Dr. Martin Rist of the Iliff School of Theology for the centennial celebration of methodism in Colorado presented to the First Methodist Church of Eads, Colorado including a list of ministers who served Eads Church from 1903 to 1959
Bicentennial Worship Service Bulletin
Service bulletin from the bicentennial celebration on October 7, 1984
Black and White Photograph of Church Exterior, 1964
Photograph taken in August of 1964 of church from outside, with trees covering the building
Black and White Photograph of Church Parsonage, 1964
Photograph taken in August of 1964 of parsonage from outside, with trees covering the house
Bulletin from Uniting Service of the First United Methodist Church of Eads, Colorado, 1969
Sunday service worship bulletin from the first uniting service of the United Methodists and the Evangelical United Brethren Church to Form the United Methodist Church of Eads, Colorado on January 5, 1969
Dedication Services Bulletin, 1952
Worship bulletin from dedication services held on Nivember 30, 1952
History of Eads Church, 1952
History of First Methodist Church of Eads, Colorado read at the dedication services on November 30, 1952
History of the Arlington Church, 1967
A history of the Arlington Church from 1916-1967, which was absorbed into the Eads Church when it closed in 1967; includes a list of ministers


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