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First United Methodist Church of Glenwood Springs, Colorado History Collection

The digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the First United Methodist Church of Glenwood Springs, Colorado History Collection. It presents several items of church history from 1935 to 1988, including a detailed history of the church and Anniversary bulletins. The collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.

Black and White Photograph of Glenwood Springs Methodist Church, 1950s
Black and white photograph of exterior of Glenwood Springs Methodist brick church, no date
History of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Glenwood Springs, 1935
A church history written in 1935 by "Recording Steward" and founding member of the Glenwood Springs Methodist Episcopal Church, Amos J. Dickson, covering events, building history, and pastors from its foundations in 1889
One-Hundredth Anniversary History and Directory, 1988
100th Anniversary church history from 1888 to 1988 and directory from First United Methodist Church of Glenwood Springs, Colorado (members names, photographs and addresses omitted for privacy -- contact the Margaret E. Scheve Archives at the Iliff School of Theology at for more information)
Service of Consecration Bulletin, 1960
Worship service bulletin for the consecration service for the educational building which took place on June 5, 1960
Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Bulletin, 1963
Worship service bulletin from Easter Sunday, April 14, 1963 which was also the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Anniversary) service, as well as a consecration service for a new church building; includes photographs and history from 1888 to 1963
Worship Service Bulletin, 1937
Worship service bulletin from October 31, 1937 with emphasis on "The Liquor Problem" and Prohibition, which had ended in Colorado in 1933

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