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Denver Cults

Denver Cults is a collection of five volumes in the Iliff School of Theology Special Collections. Objects in the collection are student papers written for a course which was run by William Henry Bernhardt from 1929-1947. Objects in the collection are student analyses of various organizations located in Denver, Colorado during the time of the course. Digitization and metadata creation by Natalie Siciliano


"The I Am" Instruction of the Ascended Masters
Special Investigation of the "I Am" Instruction of the Ascended Masters, August 12th, 1937, in Vol. 2, Copy 3 of Denver Cults
A Preliminary Study of The "Rosicrucian Fellowship"
Special Investigation of The "Rosicrucian Fellowship", August, 11th, 1937, in Vol. 2, Copy 3 of Denver Cults
A Report on Esnneegaapea
Special Investigation of Esnneegaapea, August 5th, 1937, in Vol. 2, Copy 3 of Denver Cults
A Report on The First Divine Science Church and College
Special Investigation of The First Divine Science Church and College, August 1929, in Vol. 1, Copy 2 of Denver Cults
A Report on The Liberal Church, Incorporated
Special Investigation of The Liberal Church, Inc., August 1929, in Vol. 1, Copy 2 of Denver Cults
A Study of Denver Bible Institute
Special Investigation of The Denver Bible Institute, July 4th, 1937, in Vol. 2, Copy 3 of Denver Cults
A Study of the Plans, Activities, and Accomplishments of the Father Divine Cult
Special Investigation of The Father Divine Cult, 1939, in Vol. 3, Copy 2 of Denver Cults
An Analysis of the Corpus Hermeticum to Discover the Various Aspects of Religion: Namely, Function, Reinterpretation and Technique
Special Investigation of The Corpus Hermeticum, winter 1939, in Vol. 1, Copy 1 of Denver Cults
An Investigation of Spiritualism
Special Investication of Spiritualism, August 1932, in Vol. 1, Copy 2 of Denver Cults


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