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Denver Cults

Denver Cults is a collection of five volumes in the Iliff School of Theology Special Collections. Objects in the collection are student papers written for a course which was run by William Henry Bernhardt from 1929-1947. Objects in the collection are student analyses of various organizations located in Denver, Colorado during the time of the course. Digitization and metadata creation by Natalie Siciliano


Jehovah's Witnesses
Special Investigation of Jehovah's Witnesses, March, 1947, in Vol. 6 of Denver Cults
Jehovah's Witnesses
Special Investigation of Jehovah's Witnesses, summer 1944, in Vol. 5 of Denver Cults
Mental Science Institute
Special Investigation of the Mental Science Institute, 1944, in Vol. 5 of Denver Cults
Mormonism or Church of Latter Day Saints
Special Investigation of Mormonism, July 14th, 1944, in Vol. 5 of Denver Cults
Personal Experiences with the Oxford Movement Group in Japan
Special Investigation of the Oxford Group in Japan, 1944, in Vol. 5 of Denver Cults
Report On: The Four Square Gospel
Special Investigation of The Four Square Gospel Church, February, 1947, in Vol. 6 of Denver Cults
Rocky Mountain Gospel Tabernacle Association
Special Investigation of The Rocky Mountain Gospel Tabernacle Association, 1930, in Vol. 1, Copy 2 of Denver Cults
Second Report on First Divine Science Church and College
Special Investigation of The First Divine Science Church and College, August 1932, in Vol. 1, Copy 2 of Denver Cults
Seventh Day Adventists
Special Investigation of Seventh Day Adventists, March 20th, 1947, in Vol. 6 of Denver Cults
Shakers and Shakerism
Special Investigation of Shakerism, 1939, in Vol. 3, Copy 2 of Denver Cults


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