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Eagle United Methodist Church History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the Eagle United Methodist Church History Collection. Eagle, Colorado is a small mountain town along the Eagle River near Vail and Glenwood Springs, and the collection presents several items of church history from 1912 to 1983 including photographs, service bulletins, and a special newspaper article from 1912 about the founding of the church. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.

"Eagle UMC Holds Groundbreaking Service," 1983
Newspaper clipping from the United Methodist Reporter about the groundbreaking service for the UMC in Eagle in August, 1983
"How The Church of Christ Came Into Eagle County," 1912
Newspaper clipping from The Christian Republic explaining how the church in Eagle, Colorado went from a Church of Christ to a Methodist Church in the first decade of the 1900s, written by Pastor Robert Robinson Adams
Black and White Photograph of Church Exterior, 1960s
Photograph taken in 1960s of white church with bell tower in Eagle, Colorado from outside
Correspondence on Church History, 1961
Corresponce between Rev. Walter Boigegrain of Westminster Methodist Church and Rev. Moorhead of Eagle Methodist Church about the church building in Eagle, June 21, 1961
Fiftieth Anniversary Banquet Bulletin and Dinner Program, 1949
Worship service bulletin for the fiftieth anniversary celebration and dinner program from May 7 and 8 of 1949

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