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Florence United Methodist Church History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the Florence United Methodist Church History Collection. It presents several items of church history from an early church photograph of the building in 1899 to an article about Bishop Wheatley making a visit in 1978. The collection also includes photographs of the 1973 fire that almost destroyed the church. By 1975, they had rebuilt and were set to celebrate their mortgage-note burning service in 1977. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.


Consecration Sunday Newsletter, 1973
Reverend Wesley Steinmetz's newsletter just under two years after the fire that burned the church down announces the consecration service of the new church building, held October 6, 1974
Coping After Fire, 1973
Reverend Wesley Steinmetz's newsletter after the blaze destroyed the church strikes a hopeful tone, and notes the church will continue to meet at the Prysbeterian Church in Florence while rebuilding efforts are underway; Bishop Wheatley commends Rev. Steinmetz's "magnificent way" of responding to the calamity
Early Church History as Remember by Mrs. Susie Jagger, Founding Member, 1952
Handwritten letter from an early founding member about her childhood experiences with the church; after her mother died, she was raised by "Uncle Jesse" Frazer who was the Church's founder
History of Florence Frazer M. E. Church
Detailed church history from late 1800s to early 1900s
Invitation to Bishop Wheatley's Sermon at Florence UMC, 1978
Postcard invitation to the April 2, 1978 worship service when Bishop Wheatley came to deliver the sermon to Florence United Methodist Church
Invitation to Bishop Wheatley's Sermon in a Newspaper Ad, 1978
Newspaper ad taken out by the Florence UMC on the occassion of Bishop Wheatley coming deliver the sermon on April 2, 1978 with a headshot photograph
Letter From Bishop Wheatley Congratulating Florence UMC on the Dedication and Note Burning Service, 1977
Letter from Bishop Melvin Wheatley congratulating the Florence United Methodist Church on their Dedication and Note Burning Serice held on October 23, 1977
Letter Offering Help From Prysbetarian Church After Florence Church Fire, 1973
Letter from Delbert Paulson offering help from the Prysbeterian Church in Florence after the fire burned down the Methodist Church on December 31, 1972
Newspaper Article About Bishop Wheatley's Visit to Florence UMC, 1978
Newspaper article with photograph of Bishop Wheatley about his visit to the Florence UMC on April 2,1978
Order of Service for the Dedication, 1899
Dedication services worship bulletin and program from 1899, with church history about the "pioneer cabin of Jesse Frazer" used as far back as 1860


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