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Florence United Methodist Church History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the Florence United Methodist Church History Collection. It presents several items of church history from an early church photograph of the building in 1899 to an article about Bishop Wheatley making a visit in 1978. The collection also includes photographs of the 1973 fire that almost destroyed the church. By 1975, they had rebuilt and were set to celebrate their mortgage-note burning service in 1977. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.


Photograph of Florence Methodist Church and Parsonage, early 1900s
Photograph of early church building and parsonage from the early 1900s, with five people outside
Photographs of Fire and Rebuilding, 1975
Collection of nine photographs of Rev. and Mrs. Steinmetz and their family around the time the church burned down on December 31, 1972, and the new church exterior and sanctuary after it was rebuilt in 1974
Rebuilt Church Photographs, 1975
Flyer with a photograph of the new church exterior and sanctuary after it was rebuilt in 1974
Worship Service Bulletin From Bishop Wheatley's Visit, 1978
Worship service bulletin from the April 2, 1978 service when Bishop Wheatley came to deliver the sermon


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