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Central United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the Central United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs History Collection. It presents several items of church history from 1915 to 1988. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.


"Spahr enjoys life behind the pulpit, plate"
Newspaper article about Rev. Spahr and his hobby as a baseball umpire
A Brief History Bulletin
Bulletin with worship service times and information that also contains a brief history of the church from 1895-1958 with emphasis on the 1950s, and a sketch of the church
A Collection of Clippings on the June 27, 1976 Ground Breaking Ceremony
Newspaper clippings, invitation to ceremony, and photographs of the ground where the new church is to be built in anticipation of the ceremony to be held on June 27, 1976
Annual Reports 1960 & '61
Annual report program from annual congregrational dinner in 1961 listing programs, expenses, and budget
Back of Black and White Photograph of Oldest Members of Church
Handwritten notes on the back of black and white photograph from ground breaking ceremony on June 27, 1976 that say "Oldest members of Central U. Meth. Church"
Back of Black and White Photograph of Rev. Greene and Rev. Kime
Handwritten notes on the back of black and white photograph from ground breaking ceremony on June 27, 1976
Back of Color Photographs from the Ground Breaking Ceremony
Handwritten notes on the backs of five color photographs from the ground breaking ceremony held on June 27, 1976
Black and White Photograph of Oldest Members of Church
Black and white photograph from ground breaking ceremony on June 27, 1976
Black and White Photograph of Rev. Phillip Greene and Rev. Noble Kime at Ground Breaking Ceremony
Black and white photograph from ground breaking ceremony on June 27, 1976
Breaking Ground for Education Unit
Newspaper clipping about the ground breaking ceremony for the new educational building of the First Evangelical United Brethren Church


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