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Central United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the Central United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs History Collection. It presents several items of church history from 1915 to 1988. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.


Following National Merger Local E. U .B. Changes Name
Newspaper clipping from circa April 23, 1968 regarding church name change
Green Gables
Brief account of church property ownership for building known as "Green Gables"
Ground Breaking Service Bulletin
Bulletin from Sunday Service when Ground-Breaking Ceremony was held at Galley Road and Emory
History of the First United Brethren Church of Colorado Springs, Colorado
One-page typewritten history of the church detailing building history from circa 1870s to 1940s
House Becomes Unit of Church
Newspaper clipping from 1942-43 about the dedication of a house to be the educational unit of the United Brethren Church
Introducing a New United Methodist Church To Serve People in This Area
Bulletin and announcement of new church building at Pikes Peak and Murray Boulevard written by Rev. Keith Spahr
Invitation to Service of Consecration
Invitation to the Service on Consecration to held on February 20, 1977
Newspaper Clippings From 30s & 40s
Collection of newspaper clippings about the church history and Pastor Schaefer from 1939, 1944, and 1946
Official Church Historical Record
History of the church from 1871-1934 on the 63rd anniversary year with a roster of ministers during that time
Pastor Parish Committee Notes
Church announcments, such as Rev. Spahr being reassigned to Utah and being replaced by Rev. Vose


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