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Central United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the Central United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs History Collection. It presents several items of church history from 1915 to 1988. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.


Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Parrett Reach Springs: City Will Be Headquarters of Conference
Newspaper clippings from around 1915 on Rev. Parrett
Service of Consecration Bulletin
Bulletin from the consecration service held on February 20, 1977
Service of Dedication of the Schaefer Christian Education Unit
Bulletin from Dedication Service for the Schaefer Education Building
Sunday Service Bulletin
Sunday Service Bulletin with photograph of the church
Sunday Service Bulletin
Sunday Bulletin with sketch of the church at South Nevada and Vermijo
The Church of the Week
Short church history with photographs of incoming pastor, Rev. Edie, and outgoing pastor, Rev. Schaefer
This is a "Chrismon"
Newspaper clipping of Christmas decorations from the church and description of chrismons
Thousand at Reception Honoring W. G. Schaefer
Newspaper article about Rev. Schaefer's retirement party


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