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Central United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs History Collection

This digital collection is a sample of items from the physical collection of the Central United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs History Collection. It presents several items of church history from 1915 to 1988. This collection was digitized by Baylee Suskin whose work has been graciously funded by the Mountain Sky Archives and History Commission.


Burning the last note of church debt
Black and white photograph of the pastor Rev. Schaefer and others burning the last note of church debt in a ceremony held November 14, 1954
Central Methodist Plans Ground-Breaking Service
Newspaper clipping about a new church building to be located at Galley Road and Emory in Rustic Hills
Central United Methodist Church
Cover and introduction of the church photograph directory with short history of the church and photographs of the church, Rev. Gamber, Church Secretary Midge Flynn, and Choir Director Donald Shores
Central United Methodist Church
One-page history of the church from 1917-1976 just before the ground-breaking ceremony for the new building at Galley Road and Emory
Chrismon Service Bulletin
Sunday service bulletin from Chrismon Service, with several hand-drawn "Chrismons" throughout
Church Cornerstone Laying Service
Sunday service bulletin from cornerstone laying service held November 7, 1976
Church Sanctuary Redecorated and Remodeled
Photocopy of a photograph of the church sancturary in after 1960 remodel
Collection of Notes on the Consecration Service
Photocopy of invitation of the consecration service and church notes and newsletters about the event
Color Photographs from the Ground Breaking Ceremony
Five color photographs from the ground breaking ceremony held on June 27, 1976
First E. U. B. Church in Colo. Springs Changes Name in Historical World Wide Union
One-page account of the church's name change in "historical world-wide union" of the Evangelical United Brethren Church with the Methodist Church


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